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London Baseball CIO Club Membership Agreement & Code of Conduct

London Baseball CIO Baseball/Softball Club Membership Agreement and Code of Conduct

I have read, understand and agree to comply with the London Baseball CIO Baseball/Softball Club Membership Agreement and Code of Conduct as outlined below.


Membership Agreement:

I understand the risk involved in watching, training, coaching and playing the sports of Softball and Baseball for the Minor child currently being registered in the London Baseball CIO Baseball/Softball youth programme. I agree to comply with the Code of Conduct of the London Baseball CIO Baseball/Softball Club and British Baseball Federation for all London Baseball CIO league activity.


Code of Conduct:

Everyone involved in the sports of baseball and softball, on and off the field, is expected to:

  • Adhere to the Official Rules found on the London Baseball website

  • Promote fair play and behave within the spirit of the Official Rules

  • Always respect the decisions of match officials

  • Never engage in public criticism of match officials

  • Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour

  • Avoid bullying, intimidation and poor behaviour

  • Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition  players, coaches, managers, volunteers, staff and spectators

  • Not promote other competitive baseball leagues while at any London Baseball CIO activity

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